Answer :
Thank you so much for allowing me to join your wedding. It was lovely to see you and to have your company. It means a me that you took your time to watch you 2 being commitment to each other.
Thank you also for the lovely gift. It was thoughtful of you, and I hope you love it. We should meet and catch up a little; it has been long. Call me when you get back from the honeymoon.
Thank you once again!
Dear (name of your friend),
I hope you are at the pink of your health when this reaches you. I am hale and hearty here. It’s been awhile since I heard from you. I have to tell you a lot of things and expect the same.
Last week, I enjoyed a wedding ceremony. It was held on the occasion of my cousin. The guests were invited in a grass field with oceans of chairs and a wide bright stage to set the scence. The whole area was festooned with colorful papers and flowers. An illumination was created by the multicolored electri-lights. There was a beautiful military band with it. The young boys were dancing with the beats of the drums and trumpets.To add a cherry on the cake, everyone got the chance to throw petals on top of the lovely pairs while they walk past the guests. I must not lie but the wedding arrangement was quite grand and exquisite. I have hardly ever seen any celebrations like this one.
During the whole function missed you like anything. No wonder how much fun we would have had if we had been there together. But if your coming, lt me know the date. I can’t wait to meet. Take care!
Your friend,
(your name)
Brainliest pls?