
If anyone knows how to code on python:
I need to write a program that asks the user for two dice rolls and will tell the user to advance the number spaces coressponeing to the total rolled.

Enter first roll: 4
Enter second roll: 6
Advance 10 spaces

The code should include a message for invalid rolls, and should also tell the user to roll again if they roll the same two numbers. Someone please help me out!

Answer :


def dice_roller():

   # ask for first input

   input1 = int(input("Enter the first roll: "))

   # check if it's valid

   while input1 < 1 or input1 > 6:

       print("Invalid number")

       # ask for new input if the previous was invalid

       input1 = int(input("Enter the first roll: "))

   # ask for second input

   input2 = int(input("Enter the second roll: "))

   # check if it's valid

   while input2 < 1 or input2 > 6:

       print("Invalid number")

       # ask for new input if the previous was invalid

       input2 = int(input("Enter the second roll: "))

   # check of the numbers are the same

   if input1 == input2:

       print("You rolled the same numbers. Try again")

       # if they are the same call this function again to get new numbers



       # print how many spaces to advance

       print("Advance", input1+input2, "spaces")

if __name__ == '__main__':


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