
Answer :

I like making my own sandwiches. I would use a fresh baguette, add a layer of spinach, then get some chicken and shred it up into small pieces. Add a few tablespoons of mayonnaise to the shredded chicken, sprinkle of black pepper and salt and a squeeze of lemon juice - mix it up and add it into your sandwich on top of the spinach. Then close the sandwich and cut it how you like, enjoy!


I don't like beef burgers, so I would put a chicken patty in it as the meat source. Then I would put cheese, onions, tomatoes, and minimal lettuce.

I just like those things and I dislike the standard burger because it's dry and tasteless, so putting chicken and all those things would make it tasty.


Another sandwich I like is the Pesto Sauce, tomato, basil, m0zzarella baguette. You just take a baguette and slice it. Put pesto sauce, a m0zzarella cheese slice, a slice of tomato, and a few basil leaves on top in that order. Add Italian Seasoning for more flavor. Then put another slice of baguette on top and either bake it or just eat it. (It tastes best if you just eat it. If you want the bread toasted, then just toast the bread, not  the other stuff.)