Answer :
I'll write some pseudo-code, you can convert it into Python. // means I've wrote a comment explaining what is going on. Don't overcomplicate things when you write code!
Declare Num as Integer // Defines a variable called Num
// Here you put your code to generate a random number
Num = random number between 1 to 20
Declare Guess as Integer
Declare CorrectGuess as Boolean // Boolean variables are either true or
CorrectGuess = False
// To keep track of how many guesses it takes them
Declare GuessCount as Integer = 0
Declare Score as Real = 0 // Real means the number can be a decimal.
While CorrectGuess = False: // keep looping until correct.
GuessCount = GuessCount + 1 // Increases the guess count by 1.
output("What's your guess?") // asks the user what their guess is.
input(Guess) // Allows the user to input their guess.
If Guess = Num Then // Using a condition to decide if the
guess is correct.
output("Correct, my number was " + Num") // correct output
//output GuessCount
output("It took you " + GuessCount + " guesses!")
CorrectGuess = True // Now the while loop won't run again.
Else If Guess > Num Then // If the guess was larger than the number
output("Your guess was too large! Try again.")
Else If Guess < Num Then // If the guess was smaller than the number
output("Your guess was too small! Try again.")
End If
End While
Score = (GuessCount / 20) * 100 // Calculate the users score.
Round(Score) // Round the score to 0 decimal places.
Hope you can understand this. I think followed all of the stages and if something is incorrect don't hesitate to tell me.