Answer :
Scientists believe this deforestation led to the fall of the Maya Empire. It caused climate change in the form of rising temperatures and low rainfall. These factors combined to cause a severe drought. The drought lasted nearly a century.
In a broad sense, research evidence can be any systematic observation in order to establish facts and reach conclusions.
The Mayan Civilization at its height was one of the greatest civilizations to ever reign on the planet. Their advances in astronomy and mathematics well in advance have helped present civilizations to prosper. But one of the great questions is what happened to the Mayans? Why did they collapse? What caused them to collapse? It is a question that had gone unanswered for decades until some of the world's great historians and scientists finally concluded three reasons why the Mayan civilization collapsed. Many ancient civilizations had noteworthy accomplishments, specifically in Mesoamerica three civilizations had many great feats in the time of which they prospered. These imposing civilizations were the Mayans, who were cultured with advancements in mathematics and sciences. The Aztecs had a detailed understanding of the trade. And lastly, the Incas developed vast roads and irrigation channels that connected their empire. The Mayan civilization had a highly advanced society which made substantial