
Answer :



6;00am=Wake up, wash face, and other daily things

6:45am=Do some exercise

7;00am=Eat some breakfast

7;15am=Read for sometime

7;45am=Do extra activities

8;00am=Eat food

8;15am=Rest for a while

8;45am=Be ready for online classes

9am-2pm=Online classes

2pm-15pm=Eat some lunch

2;15 pm-3;30 pm=Do your homework

3:30 pm-5;00pm=Do whatever you like

5:00pm-6:00pm=Read or write

6;00pm-6;15pm=Eat food

6;15pm-7;00pm=Watch educational programs

7;00pm-8:00pm=Give extra time for the subjects you fell hard
