
Answer :

Only after we lose something does the true value of that thing come into focus. This post is going to be relatively short; because I honestly don't think much more needs to be said about this quote. I don't think there are too many moments that ARE valuable to people until they become memories... because you don't know the significance of the moment until later. Unless, of course, it's a moment you KNOW will be special. For example, the birth of a child, or a wedding, or something along those lines. However; most moments are insignificant to us until later; when they gain more importance due to other events taking place.

For example... memories I have with my mom are invaluable to me; and unfortunately when she was alive I didn't get to make many large memories with her... nor did I cherish the smaller moments. I took her being around for granted; and in the end I really wish I hadn't. I guess I fooled myself with the idea that she COULDN'T die young. Obviously enough; she could and did. So I cling to the few good memories I do have with her; because while memories of playing barbies or dancing or trying on clothing with her didn't have much meaning to me when I was little; they mean the world to me now that she is gone.

So I guess this post has two messages... one; don't take moments for granted and try to cherish everything... and two... don't ever, EVER take human life for granted. It can be taken from us in the blink of an eye