(All i’m doing is adding some fluff to what you already wrote! Word count - 152)
In the beginning of “The Treasure of Lemon Brown”, Greg Ridley described to be in a bad mood because he is dreading having a lecture with his father. Greg knows what the end result of this conversation will look like.
However, at the end of this story, Grey seems to be excited to receive a lecture from his dad. Instead of having a negative attitude once again, Grey smiles at the thought of the interaction this time.
This noticeable change in Greg Ridley occurred because Lemon Brown explains how he lost his own child. He also talks about the lessons and things a father gives their child should be treasured. Since Greg realized that what Lemon Brown said was true, his mind set changed about the things his father may be trying to teach him. This change in perspective shows Greg’s character shift from the beginning of the story to the end.