
can you make this next paragraph longer?

Well, diabetes is one common disease that runs through my family. But, not just on one side of my family but, on my mother and father's side. When I was younger, probably around the age of three, my grandma died (on my mother's side) From Diabetes. It was devastating, yeah. And, my other grandma from my father's side, has diabetes. My aunt Kristy (my mother's side) has diabetes. And my Aunt Dawn (My mother's side) has diabetes too, also my grandpa has ...you guessed it Diabetes. But, the real question is how do you prevent diabetes, and can it be prevented? And yes, diabetes can actually be prevented. And how you prevent is it drink water regularly, and to exercise daily. What does drinking water do, though? Well, drinking water regularly may help control blood sugar and insulin levels. And exercising daily does what exactly? Well, exercising daily can lead to weight loss resulting in enabling muscle cells to use insulin and glucose more efficiently.

Answer :

My mother’s side has Diabetes. I hope this helps