
Write a short story, somewhere around 5 paragraphs, heres what I got so far

For most people, sleep is an obstacle; something to get out of the way so that they can get back to their day. For others, it is a flight to nothing; a happy break from the weariness of life. It's the opposite for me. I live to dream. I crave at work to go home and close my eyes, waking up in the real world where dreams really come true. A place where I can fight the king instead of my ever disappointed boss, where I'm a warrior, not a famous television dealer. A place where I matter. Tigers instead of taxes. Monsters instead of people with too much power. Reality is just a word we came up with to accept a boring life; a place where great ideas are born that we so desperately want to realize. I prefer to live in the world they live in.

Answer :

Sounds real good, keep going about the topic and it will start to flow to u!

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