
Answer :

introduction: this is my essay on arguing on how lying is bad. lying is horrible. if you disagree than its ok everyone has a opinion.

body 1: lying can hurt people around you, if you lie to someone about them being pretty they will know you are lying and it will hurt them. lying can hurt many people about many different things.

body 2: sometimes lying can be good it can stop you from hurting people. for example if someone says you are doing great in a video game and you still haven't beat level 1 and its been an hour, they are lying to make you think you can do it then all of a sudden you beat the level.

body 3: lying can also sometimes hurt you. like when you lie about an essay and say you did it, it can make you have an f on your grade. and you may get expelled

conclusion: lying is more bad then good. 1 time it helps, the other 2 it hurts. this is my opinion and its always different depending on the person.

Hope this helps

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