Answer :
1. Men are socialized not to express their feelings or see themselves as victims. 2. Many believe there are no resources or support available for male victims.Feb 28, 2019
Answer: Since women are seen as weak and inferior, they are more prone to violence making them the victims. This also means that most cereal packet families where the father provides the instrumental role whereas the woman provides the expressive role , we see that women are exploited to work both at home (unpaid work) at at work (labor force to be paid). Some men are also under the influence of illegal substances that make them lose their minds thus hurting their children and wives physically and mentally causing disruptions and problems in a family, as sociologists we should not forget about the child figure in a family because they are they are the center of the most violence in a family. Society having more women being more dependent on the men for financial needs, some women have become financially independent mostly because of the income from their jobs and mainly from the benefits from the governments. This means that less women are violented causing the increasingly high numbers in single parent families (mostly mums) and divorce rates.
Overall, the two main reasons men and women become victims of violence is because of wealth, ignorance and society having men who oppress women just because of their gender but some men have become The New Man who reject genderist views on family and its roles....
anyway, I have lots to tell, it would take hours to explain
Thanks and credit to all the sociology I have learnt.
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