- °C and °F
- °C and °FCharts
- °C and °FChartsDosage, lb to kg
- °C and °FChartsDosage, lb to kgHeight, and age
Important measurements used in patient care
As a health care provider, it is important to have the knowledge that temperature of your patients can be measured both in degree Celsius (°C) and degree fahrenheit (°F).
Vital signs are the measurements that are constantly taken by a health care provider to evaluate the progress of a patients health and recovery. it is usually displayed in charts.
To calculate medication healthcare workers may need to convert patients' weight from pounds (Ib) to Kilogram (Kg)
Children's height, weight, and age are plotted on gender- and age-specific charts. This is used to determine their boy mass index to ascertain their growth rate.
Learn more about measurements here: