
pls help There are 10 answers to this one question.

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Example: question #1 and #2.

1. RR

2. Rr

Fill in the Punnett Square using the following information:

Mom has the recessive gene for attached earlobes (e).

Dad has the dominant gene (E) for unattached earlobes. Dad is a heterozygous. (Ee).

Answer :

There is a 25% of chance for expressing the recessive trait (3:1 phenotypic proportion).

What is a Punnett square?

A Punnett square is a diagram used to represent gametic combinations for one or more gene loci.

  • In this case, the child will exhibit normal earlobes but he is heterozygous carrying the recessive allele.

The Punnet square is:

         E            e

E   1/4 EE   1/4  Ee

e   1/4 Ee    1/4 ee

In conclusion, there is a 25% of chance for expressing the recessive trait (3:1 phenotypic proportion).

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