
Answer :

Answer: See below


Human cloning should be allowed provided specific criteria and rules are satisfied. Human cloning is still dangerous, to say the least. Many people have long bragged about the prospect of cloning humans as a scientific advance, a gateway to immortality, free organs, and other benefits. However, 21 years after the first genetically cloned sheep, Dolly, there is still a great deal of ambiguity about the safety and ethical qualities of genetically cloning people. Scientists have cautioned that genetically cloned individuals are much more likely to have catastrophic genetic abnormalities and life-threatening health issues. Cloning has the potential to disrupt the development of a newborn human. One of the first genetically cloned calves, for example, died after just two months due to blood and heart issues.

This sort of cloning also presents serious ethical concerns. For instance, how is this different from murdering a child? Abortion is the only other case that resembles therapeutic cloning - the procedure of creating embryonic stem cells from the host's DNA - and the destruction of a human embryo. The only component of therapeutic cloning that would be immoral would be murdering a five-day-old person. Abortion regulations in some countries such as Canada already indicate that women may get abortions at any point throughout their pregnancy. So, how can one advocate for abortion while opposing therapeutic cloning? While abortions are performed to aid or even save a woman's life, one may argue that therapeutic cloning provides no such advantages. On the contrary, therapeutic cloning will provide access to life-saving medications to millions, if not billions, of people. Therapeutic cloning has the potential to potentially cure cancer, if only society could see how much the advantages outweigh the risks. To summarize, human cloning should be authorized if the cloning is therapeutic and the embryo is less than five days old, and future human cloning should be restricted until scientists have considerably decreased the hazards. Our laws already make it legal to abort a 21-week-old embryo if the mother chooses, much alone a five-day-old embryo.

Answer: (yes, this is in my own words)

If you don't know what cloning is, It's basically taking something and making a replica to make it look the same. Some clones have already exist. If you were to clone something, I'd prefer plants. Humans and animals could die during the process and that wouldn't end up so good. Cloning affects hearts, livers and more. Some cloning processes don't turn out great. Plants are somewhat good for cloning. Making identical plants could be pretty cool, but if you have botanophobia, that's on you.

Cloning isn't such a good option to make in life. Cloning is probably the biggest misconceptions that doesn't end well. It could lead to serious violations of human/animal rights and dignity. Cloning could do some damage. It could affect how the animal/human acts. This could also have a big impact on their health and could lead to death. Sometimes cloning doesn't have much effect. Cloning could be a good think but also a bad thing at the same time.