Answer :
Did you know that studies show that competitive sports for young children can lead to painful injuries? However some people may point out the benefits of children participating in competitive sports, despite any of the points people make none of them is worth the big risk. When kids play in competitive sports it can cause them to be stressed and mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. Also, when sports become super competitive and only about winning, it can cause them to lose interest in the sport because it's no longer fun. The point of this essay is to argue that children shouldn’t take part in competitive sports.
Importantly, children's involvement in competitive sports can be mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting. On page 2 of the passage “Pushing too hard too young” it states that children that take part in competitive sport are at risk for emotional burnout. But also children can get injuries that affect them for life. This shows that young kids that play in competitive sports are being cheated out of their childhood. Also, too much stress and pressure can affect their emotional, mental, and physical health, and can lead to many dangerous risks.
Others may argue that competitive sports are good for children because there are many positive benefits of children playing in competitive sports. One reason for this argument is that it helps with physical health. However you don’t have to play in competitive sports to benefit physically. You can do non competitive sports and it will help your physical health. Although some children can handle the pressure from competitive sports some children do not do too well with pressure. The passage ‘Pushing too hard too young’ states “kids with a strong internal drive may thrive on the competition. But the pressure can be too much for others”. Overall it would be best for children's mental, and physical health if they don’t play competitive sports.
Even though others argue that there are benefits with competitive sports, eventually the children will not even enjoy the sport anymore. On page 2 of the passage “Pushing too hard too young” it states that children that take part in competitive sport are at risk for emotional burnout. But also children can get injuries that affect them for life. As a result of competitive sports it causes children to lose excitement in the sport. It will also force them to lose interest in the sport because it's not about the fun and anymore it's mostly about winning.
In conclusion, there is a lot of evidence that proves children shouldn’t play competitive sports. Competitive sports can lead to depression and massive stress, and it can also lead to life long injuries. Is any benefit worth the life long damage competitive sports can do to a child?