
A new neighborhood is built and completely destroys most of a forest. Soon, deer are walking down the sidewalks and eating plants and flowers from yards.

What is the most likely reason why this is happening?

The forest has plenty of food for them, but the deer see easier, newer food sources in the humans’ yards, so the deer are in the neighborhood because they prefer the food there.

The deer have been living close to humans and have become used to seeing them and are being curious since deer like humans.

The deer have been forced into a small area and lack enough food, so they are wandering out of their small forest home searching for food.

The light from the neighborhood has confused the deer, and so they are wandering into the streets because they are disoriented.

Answer :


I think its the 3rd answer


The first answer could be close but if the forest was mostly destroyed, then it would not have plenty of food for them. They also might not prefer the food there. The second option isn't correct because the deer wouldn't take their chances being around creatures (humans) that they have never seen before or didn't see that much. Also, the sound of the construction would scare them off. The fourth option isn't correct because while yes, the lights may disorient the deer, it probably wouldn't want to make the deer wander into the neighborhood. When you see a deer looking in headlights, they don't walk towards your car, they just stand there. This is why I think the 3rd answer is correct.