
Answer :

Below you will find topics and tips on how to write a story beginning with "Louise smiled as she put the ticket in her pocket and walked out of the house." I cannot write the story for you, but I can help you do it:

  • Begin by writing the sentence, "Louise smiled as she put the ticket in her pocket and walked out of the house."
  • Explain that Louise has worked during the summer to buy a ticket to her favorite band's concert.
  • Louise meets a couple of friends and they head to the concert together. However, they soon hear the concert was canceled at the last minute.
  • Disappointed, they stay outside the venue, not knowing what to do. Someone from another group of friends brings a guitar out from his car and begins to play.
  • He plays the band's songs, and everyone gathers round and begins singing along.
  • Louise and the others end up having a great night.

How to develop the topics above

Read through the topics and imagine what details you can add to them. For instance, you can explain what types of jobs Louise had to do, how long she has been a fan of the band for, how difficult it was to get the ticket, etc.

Also, add details about Louise, her friends, and any other characters. Feel free to describe their physical appearance and personalities. Do not forget to add dialogue to the story.

Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and verb tenses. The story begins in the past, so continue writing it in the past. If necessary, ask someone to read the story and point out any improvements you can make.

Learn more about writing stories here:


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