
Even if you have never studied broadcast journalism, you are probably familiar with its story formats. Readers are probably the most basic kind of broadcast story. They're usually short and mixed in with other story formats to keep the show interesting. After all, who wants to watch 30 minutes or an hour of an anchor sitting there reading? Sometimes, if the producers want to get fancy, a reader may include an over the shoulder graphic or a picture of the story's subject.
Often, the anchor's role is limited to giving a lead-in to a reporter's package. After a sentence or two from the anchor, viewers see video of reporters narrating their own stories. Most of the time, the video stories include a sound-bite from a person who was interviewed about the story's subject. In some cases, anchors wrap the story up with additional information after the video is over.

An anchor is
a type of story format that includes an interview.
the reporter who films and edits his or her own broadcast story.
a television personality who interviews people for a talk show.
a broadcaster who presents reporters and reads the news.