
In 8-10 sentences, comment on the following statement cited in montgomery boycott by coretta scott king:
"he who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. ~henry david thoreau

please help me with 8 completed sentences

Answer :


  The strong quote means "those who do not resist wrong are as culpable as those who perpetrate". "In the end, we will remember not the words of our opponents, but the quiet of our friends," said Martin Luther King Jr. It also implies that although opponents' comments may be terrible, friends who fail to remain by your side and support you will be remembered forever. I agree with the quote since quiet may be deceiving. It is sometimes terrible for those of us who have already broken the night's silence, but we must speak. We must communicate with all the respect our limited viewpoint demands.

 To fight poverty, racism, and violence, we must restore the revolutionary spirit and proclaim eternal hostility (rival). That day will come when every location will be elevated, and every mountain and hill will be lowered, and the crooked will be made straight, and the rough areas will be made plain. Silence is not an option when dealing with the truth. We must speak out as we have the right to do so.


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