Answer :
A line connecting five stars together
Constellations or patterns (same thing) are made up of stars. The stars form shapes, but there is not really lines in the sky. We have to draw the lines with our head or take a picture of it and draw lines on it. Some patterns are: the big dipper, the small dipper etc. Last but not least, just some random info about the constellations.. zodiac signs have their own constellations. Here is a list of the zodiacs to their constellations:
•Leo (the Lion)
•Aquarius (the Water Bearer)
•Gemini (Twins)
•Cancer (Crab)
•Aries (Ram)
•Scorpio (Scorpion)
•Taurus (Bull)
•Sagittarius (Archer)
•Capricorn (Sea Goat)
•Pisces (Fishes)
•Libra (Scales)
•Virgo (V-i-r-g-i-n: Maiden)