
Reward: Brainliest+29 Points if right

The final step in critiquing art is to evaluate it. The evaluation part of this process is simply the putting together based on what you have described, analyzed, and interpreted so far.

This is what you need to do:

Give some reasons on whether it is good/important/worthwhile or bad/trivial/not worth examining.
That is it! If you have been able to describe, analyze, and interpret the work, then maybe it is worthwhile. If you have had trouble, maybe it is not.

The most important things about this step are:

You do not have to love it for it to be worthy.

You do not have to buy it for it to win first place.

You could absolutely love it and it be considered a bad piece of art.

self portrait of Vincent Van Gogh
© 2005 clipart.com
Look at the example below about Van Gogh's self-portrait.

This piece of art is worthy, important, and good because the use of lines, colors, repetition, and emphasis made me focus on the sad, lonely face of Van Gogh. My reaction to this art is to find out more about Van Gogh because he makes me wonder why he is so sad.

Do you see how short and simple this should be? This is evaluation - the final step in critiquing art.

pencil Sketchbook Activity:

Using the following piece of art, carefully evaluate it using the explanation of evaluation above. Remember- this is your opinion. Your opinion is right as long as you give reasons.

Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci © 2005 clipart.com

Label this page "Evaluate."

Give reasons for your evaluation of this artwork.

Make sure to use some of the terms you have learned throughout this course.

young woman in hat by Rubens

On a piece of white paper describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate the artwork.

Make sure to label each section with describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate.

Answer :

Answer:  Hello and I am sure the answers are:

The first question answer Is: C. or B. You could absolutely love it and it be considered a bad piece of art. (I'm not certain on whether the order its placed in is C or b i'm not sure but the words are the answer.) The reason why you should love the art is because you don't want to show the world something you don't like, but it doesn't matter  what there opinion is, it matters what yous opinion is.You should respect there point of view.

The second answer would be: Yes I do see how short and simple it should be and what its asking you to do Is to show your opinion about the art based on what they said so all you have to do is say" I like the art because it really represents what he looked like from his orange hair to his blue outfit. It really show the sad and normal look on his face." or something like that.

The third answer would be: just  like the answer I said before you have to rate the art basiclly. "The Mona Lisa is a well known peice of art and is the best art I have ever seen. her facial expresion is blank and normal , and you can see her outfit and her long black/brown hair.".

The last answer is: The women in a hat is a amazing work of art with a young women with a smile and a hat with what seems to be a  white bow on it.

thank you so much I worked SO HARD on this!.... I wrote this all myself so I hope you enjoy this!
