Answer :
There is always talking to a family/friend that does support you. It is going to take time for them to accept you. There's also asking people who has have gone through this before. Not every family is the same. At some point they will accept. It's just going to take time, hey stay strong. There's people that support you
Queen ima say this if they don’t respect you or care for what you have to say don’t you dare ever feel like you need to lie to please them you like the girl go get her, bc if you wait and don’t do things in order to fit the picture or image your family has in mind then you’ll destroy yourself by trying to live for them. Who cares what they think as long as you happy who cares. I don’t know you and I support you 1000000% okay my love<3 be happy and you. Scream and shout bc that helps take stress off