
4.8.4 Better Sum
Write a program that asks the user for two numbers. Using a for loop, add all of the numbers from the first to the second.

For example if the first number is 6 and the second number is 8 the result is 21 (6 + 7 + 8).

Print out the results when you are finished.

write in python

Answer :

import sys

x = input("enter number 1: ") #ask for user input

y = input("enter number 2: ")

output = "" #the output string

try: #try integering them (this also has error message and will check if input is valid)

x = int(x)


print("error! number 1 was not a number :(")

sys.exit() #leave


y = int(y)


print("error! number 2 was not a number :(")


if x == y: #check they are not the same

print("both numbers are the same")

else: #do the thing

if y > x: #otherwise swap the order

for i in range (x, y + 1): #+1 for inclusive

output = (output + str(i) + " ")


for i in range (y, x + 1):

output = (output + str(i) + " ")

print(output) #so it's all in one line