
Read the titles of books that connect history to the lives of everyday people. Which eras and stories are you familiar with? Check all that apply

Answer :

To identify the times of the stories you must research the title of the books and through this research, identify if you know the story.

How to do this search?

  • Read articles that analyze these works.
  • Read the synopsis of the works.
  • Identify the time period in which these works were written.
  • Determine if you already knew the story or not.

It is important to do this research to determine your degree of knowledge regarding the title of the works. This knowledge goes beyond what you know about the story but includes the social and temporal context of the work.

Your question is incomplete because you did not inform the works to which it refers. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered accurately. However, I took into account the context of your question to show you a way to answer it. I hope it helped you.

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