
Romeo: this shall determine that. [they fight: tybalt falls.] benvolio: romeo, away! be gone! the citizens are up, and tybalt slain. stand not amaz'd: the prince will doom thee death if thou art taken: hence! be gone! away! —romeo and juliet, william shakespeare read the passage, and then answer the questions. what complication is introduced in this scene? how will juliet feel about this?

Answer :

In the given passage, Juliet is scared of getting caught. The complication introduced here is that Romeo and Juliet are at the risk of getting caught by the citizens who are up by the noise of their voices.

The given passage has been taken from Act 3 of the play of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. It is an epic love story beautifully crafted in the language of Shakespeare.

In  the text, both of them are having an argument about a particular issue and the citizens of the town are up by that time. Juliet asks Romeo to leave so that he could save his life.

Hence, the complication introduced here is that Romeo and Juliet are at the risk of getting caught by the citizens who are up by the noise of their voices.

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