
True or false: According to the textbook there are no easy answers to macro policy problems and one must blend both Keynesian and Classical insights to come to reasonable answers about macro policy.

Answer :


Both the classical economists and keynesian economists had effective conclusions based on their assumptions it is true to say about macroeconomic policy

What does Keynes say:

Keynesian economics is a macroeconomic theory of all out spending in the economy and its impacts on result, work, and inflation. In view of his hypothesis, Keynes pushed for expanded government expenditures and lower taxes to control demand and haul the worldwide economy out of the depression

What does classical economist say:

The classical macroeconomic structure is built upon the writings of famous

classical economists like Adam Smith, David Ricardo, J.B. Say, T.R. Malthus,

A.C. Pigou, Irving Fisher etc. Classical economists considered full employment, wage-price flexibility, absence of money illusion, etc.

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