
Answer :

(a) The solution to the system of equation is, x = (d + b)/(ad - cb) and y = (-a - c)/(ad - cb).

(b) The condition at which the solution exists is, ad - cb ≠ 0.

Solving the system of equation with Cramer's rule

ax + by = 1

cx + dy = -1

D = [a   b]

      [c    d]

D = ad - cb

Dx = [1   b]

       [-1   d]

Dx = d + b

Dy = [a   1]

       [c  - 1]

Dy = -a - c

x = Dx/D

x = (d + b)/(ad - cb)

y = Dy/D

y = (-a - c)/(ad - cb)

Cramer's rule applies to the case where the coefficient determinant is nonzero.

Thus, D ≠ 0 (ad - cb ≠ 0).

Learn more about Cramer's rule here: https://brainly.com/question/10445102