
Answer :

The iron ion's charge is +2 in iron (II) sulfate, which is denoted by the symbol (II).

Information about iron (II) sulfate:

  • A group of salts having the formula FeSO4xH2O is referred to as iron(II) sulfate or ferrous sulfate. Although there are multiple known values for x, the heptahydrate form of these chemicals is the most frequent. The hydrated form has both commercial and medicinal uses, including the treatment of iron deficiency.
  • The identical aqua combination [Fe(H2O)6]2+, which has octahedral molar mass and is paramagnetic, is produced when all iron(II) sulfates are dissolved in water. Historically, copper(II) sulfate was referred to as blues copperas, and iron(II) and zinc sulfate were referred to, correspondingly, as greenish and white copperas.

Learn more about iron here:
