
Answer :

learn more about beneficial eating and nutrition portions.

learn more about being physically involved.

make lists of. healthy meals that you like or may need to eat more of—or more often. foods you love that you may require to eat less often. things you could do to be more physically active.

What is the study of nutrition?

Nutritional Sciences is the study of food, nutrients, and other food substances, the intake and biochemical processing of food importance, their relationship to health and disease, and the application of this knowledge to approaches and programs.

What are 10 healthy habits?

  • Eat smaller sugar
  • Make half your meal fruits and vegetables!
  • Contain fish once per week.
  • Select whole grains
  • Stick to 4 feeds per day.
  • Limitation sodium.
  • Limit processed meals.

To learn more about nutrition, refer
