Answer :
According to the majority of specialists, cold and flu viruses are primarily transferred through droplets produced when an infected persons cough, sneeze, or talk or through contaminated objects. Also possible is lung inhalation of these droplets.
What is common cold?
- Colds spread quickly among people. Rhinoviruses are the cold's primary causes.
- It is the infectious virus that affects humans the most frequently. These viruses mostly affect the nasal passage and respiratory system (but not the lungs).
- Nasal congestion and discharge, sore throat, hoarseness, cough, headache, fatigue, etc. are some symptoms. Typically, symptoms last 3 to 7 days.
What is flu?
- Only influenza viruses can cause the flu. Typically, flu symptoms are significantly worse than cold symptoms. Flu symptoms typically appear rapidly and persist longer.
- Some signs could be fever, cough, shuddering chills, body pains, headache, incredibly exhausted.
- Usually, the first three or four days are when the symptoms are the worst. Most healthy individuals will recover from the flu in 5 to 7 days. To get entirely better, though, it can take one to two weeks.
Learn more about infectious diseases here: