Answer :
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania hosted the Constitutional Convention from May 14 to September 17, 1787. Choosing America's future government was the main goal of the event. Many of the delegates had considerably more ambitious ambitions than the ostensible purpose of the Convention, which was to amend the current Articles of Confederation.
Write a 250-word essay that argues your opinion about the constitutional convention.
In May 1787, delegates from every state—aside from Rhode Island—met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for a convention. The Articles of Confederation were to be rejected in favor of a new constitution, it was agreed at this gathering, which became known as the Constitutional Convention. In addition to completely rejecting the Articles of Confederation, the fifty-five delegates who gathered in Philadelphia between May 25 and September 17, 1787, would draft the first written constitution for a country in the history of the globe. The Constitution established unique governmental principles and procedures such as checks and balances, the division of powers among the branches, and the definition of those powers. The amendment process also transformed the Constitution into a living document that could be altered with sufficient popular support and state ratification. The government can first be constrained by the constitution by identifying or enumerating its powers. No authority not expressly granted or listed to the government may be assumed by it. Second, it is possible to split the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government. Two Congressional legislative bodies were established by the Great Compromise. V!rginia (big state) and New Jersey (little state) plans were united in the agreement, which is also known as the Sherman Compromise or the Connecticut Compromise. Roger Sherman, a delegate from Connecticut, advocated a "bicameral" or two-chambered Congress, with each state receiving two seats in the upper chamber and a number of representatives in the lower chamber (the House) according to its population (the Senate).
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