
Answer :

A scholarly resource refers to one that was written by subject-matter specialists for other subject-matter specialists. A publication written with a broad audience in mind is a well-liked resource.

Popular- 1- Broad range of topics which are presented in shorter articles.2- Intended to attract maximum readership towards the article without much expertise.3- Designed mostly to attract eyes of potential newsstand customer.

4- They are more of a presentation of products, point of views or with a purpose of entertainment.5- In these type of articles it is very rare to find reference or footnotes and it have no specific format. Scholarly- 1- Very specific topics, mostly focused topics are lengthy and have in-depth analysis.

2- Intended for researchers, students, academics and professionals.3- Designed in such a way which have sober design like more texts, tables, graphs, very less or not photographs.4- Intended to present research findings and conclusion based on research.5- Well researched, documented articles which follow standard format.

To know more about scholarly resource
