
characteristics of emily dickinson's style of writing? use of adjectives and verbs as nouns, five-line stanzas, absence of punctuation, frequent use of the dash, capitalization of nouns, poems end with rhyming couplets, poems begin with I, frequent use of identical and eye-rhyme schemes

Answer :

Characteristics of Emily Dickinson's style of writing  are;

  • Frequent use of the dash,
  • Poems begin with I,
  • Frequent use of identical and eye-rhyme schemes
  • Use of adjectives and verbs as nouns,

What are the characteristics of Emily Dickenson's writing style?

Emily Dickenson is quite popular for her unconventional writing style. Dickenson was notable for her frequent use of I's and capital letters in different sizes. These attributes of her poems attracted and sustained the attention of readers.

Emily Dickenson was also known for her use of full and slant rhymes. All of these factors made Dickenson's poems unique and different. Many were said to have better understood the handwritten form of her poems.

Learn more about Emily Dickenson here:
