
cells in the body of a metazoan organism like yourself have many shapes and sizes that are suited to their particular functions. consider a muscle cell, which has the shape of a long cylinder. assume a cell in one of the tiny dorsal interosseous muscles of your hand is 20 mm long, with a radius of 20 μm.

Answer :

Cells in the body of a metazoan organism like yourself have many shapes and sizes that are suited to their particular functions. Consider a muscle cell, which has the shape of a long cylinder. A cell in one of the tiny dorsal interosseous muscles of your hand is 12 mm long, with a radius of 28 μm. Its surface-to-volume ratio in μm 0.0716.

  • All multicellular animals that have divided bodies into tissues and organs belong to the group known as metazoan. They have specialised cells lining their digestive canal. They have nucleated cells with a cell membrane. They use oxygen for energy catabolism and are heterotrophic.
  • Located between the metacarpals, the dorsal interosseous muscles are a pair of intrinsic hand muscles. The four dorsal muscles that make up this group abduct the fingers. Additionally, the dorsal interossei aid in the extension of the interphalangeal joints and flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joints.
  • That includes all animals, whose bodies are made up of cells that have been differentiated into diverse tissues and organs, and which typically include a digestive tract lined with specialised cells.

To learn more about metazoan.
