Answer :
Bernie Sanders employs the use of Logos as a persuasive technique for building the argument for the removal of College Tuition for Americans. Having stated an initial claim in the article titled "One thing needs to change in order to make America ‘great’", which is that "for America to actually become “great”, High-quality higher education needs to be delivered to citizens for free", he proceeds to give reasons.
What are the reasons given by Bernie Sanders to buttress his assertion?
- He states that currently, there are lots of student loan defaults.
- Student tuition and fees are on the rise and the states are no longer subsidizing the financial needs of colleges and universities.
- He states that about 60% of those to take up the loans don't think they will payback;
- In a survey of about 1000 American's 59% stated that they will not go to high institutions of learning because of the costs involved.
Hence, Sanders first lays out the claim, then gives supporting evidence.
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