
Answer :

A telephone-based survey regarding breast cancer screening (in terms of insurance status, marital status, and educational attainment) among 300 African American and Caribbean women in New York City aged 40 and over, it was found that they were no more likely to have had a mammogram than the foreign-born women.

Women with a provider referral were eight times more likely to have ever had a mammogram, after adjusting for insurance status and the source of care (AOR 8.01, 95%CI: 3.74-17.14). Compared to 77% of American-born women, just 52% of Caribbean women who were born abroad and have lived in the country for less than half their life had a provider ever recommend a mammogram.

The results support prior research on the significance of physician referral in increasing mammography screening among urban Black women, and they suggest that efforts to communicate breast cancer screening messages to Caribbean-born women should place a strong emphasis on the significance of providers.

Learn more about breast cancer:
