
The idea of states having "police powers" does not mean giving more power to the police; rather, it includes multiple aspects of public policy such as which of the following?​

Answer :

correct answers:

- inspecting day-care centers

- providing emergency responders

- creating homeless shelters

Incorrect answers:

- stationing troops along the Rio Grande

The idea of states having "police powers" does not mean giving more power to the police; rather, it includes multiple aspects of public policy such as those uunderlisted:

providing emergency responders

creating homeless shelters

inspecting day-care centers

In the United States constitutional law, the police power is the ability of the states to regulate behavior and enforce order within their territory for the betterment of the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of their inhabitants.

What is the origin of police powers?

The power for enforcemebt of police power under American Constitutional law has its origin from the English and European common law traditions. Majorly, use of police power sourced from two Latin principles, sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas ("use that which is yours so as not to injure others"), and salus populi suprema lex esto ("the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law"), to justify restriction of individual liberties in order to protect the general welfare.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about police power: https://brainly.com/question/3809712