Answer :
When we speak of attention, we are not referring to behavior management, but rather to practices that: are related to Effective communication.
What is the importance of attention in communication?
The process of remembering begins with attention. The individual may forget or' misremember' information that was conveyed to them. They lose track of what they are attempting to express, reducing the success of their communication.
Attention enables us to plan or preview our thoughts and activities, as well as monitor and govern them. The first stage in the learning process is to pay attention. We can't grasp, learn, or remember what we don't pay attention to initially.
Communication in our daily lives helps us develop connections by allowing us to share our experiences and needs, as well as connect with others. It is the essence of life, allowing us to express our emotions, convey information, and share our opinions.
Good communication skills allow managers to receive and deliver negative or difficult messages without causing disappointment and breach of trust. It is important to keep employees motivated and engaged.
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