
Main Idea with Robots
Directions: Read each passage and ask yourself. "What is the author doing in this paragraph
Write your answer in the summary box and then think of an appropriate title for the passage
based on the main idea of the passage.
1 What do you get when you cross a robot and an astronaut? A Robonaut! Robonauts are robot
helpers designed to work side-by-side with ustronauts. Work on the first Rotonaut began in
1997, and by 2002 Robonaut B was revealed to the public. Rebonaut B featured interchangeable
lower bodies, like four-wheel mode or hydraulic legs. Yet scientists and engineers chratinued to
unprove Robonaut. In February of 2010. Robonaut 2 was released to the public Robonmat 2
moved four times faster than the first Robonaut. An advanced version of Robonnut 2 was finally
tested in outer space in 2011 Robonaut 2 functioned exactly as designed.
Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
human labor. In other words
mation can be a goo

Answer :

Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be particular and certainly provide an explanation for the principle concept. an appropriate identity: faucet the card.

robot, any automatically operated system that replaces human attempt, although it may no longer resemble humans in appearance or carry out features in a human-like manner. by way of extension, robotics is the engineering discipline handling the layout, production, and operation of robots.

The goal of introducing robots into our home is to lose up some time, by delegating unpleasant duties to someone, or some bot, that can do it for you. One notable, and popular, instance is iRobot's Roomba. The Roomba and subsequent products have been created to smooth your floors.

Robots get rid of risky jobs for humans due to the fact they are capable of running in unsafe environments. they could take care of lifting heavy loads, toxic materials, and repetitive obligations. This has helped organizations to save many accidents, also saving money and time.

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