
Answer :

Early-stage embryos, a collection of cells that develops when eggs and sperm are fertilized in a laboratory setting, are used to harvest embryonic stem cells.

  • The body's building blocks are stem cells, which are cells that give rise to all other cells with specific roles. Daughter cells are created when stem cells divide properly in the body or a lab to create more cells.
  • Many concerns and problems regarding the ethics of embryonic stem cell research have been brought up since human embryonic stem cells are taken from human embryos.
  • The eggs utilized in embryonic stem cell research were fertilized in in vitro fertilization labs but were never placed in the uteruses of women. Donors of the stem cells give their informed consent before donating them. In test tubes or petri dishes in laboratories, the stem cells can survive and develop in particular solutions.

There are many controversies in the use of stem cells.

Learn more about stem cells:
