
I love to explore and travel. When traveling and exploring, I learn a lot of super cool
things. I have been to a lot of places over the states never outside of the U.S Here's what
My cousin wanted to get married in cali. The family went to cali to celibate his new
marriage. It was mostly all of my 1st cousins' then a few of 2nd and 3rd cousins came too. My
mom, dad, brother Nate, and sister Anna all flew Delta so did my 1st cousin. Some of my other
family members flew different airlines. My mom, dad, brother, and sister were the only ones in
delta sky lounge. It's another level at the DTW which they sever us drinks, food, and severs with
all our needs. We get to the airport always a few hours earlier so that we can enjoy that luxury.
The fight was four hours and 10 minute long. We got severed cinnamon crackers, water, pops
and sun chips. I really love salty snacks and I asked the flight attendant in