Answer :
A single "element" of communication does not exist. There are "components" to communication as well as a communication method.
The elements and process of communication
1. Sender: The person who starts the conversation and has formulated the idea that he wants to express to others is the sender, also known as the communicator.
2. Encoding: The sending party starts the process of encoding by converting the information into a message using certain words or non-verbal cues like symbols, signs, body language, etc. The knowledge, abilities, perspective, history, capabilities, etc. of the messenger have a significant impact on the message's success.
When the encoding is complete, the sender receives the message he was trying to deliver.
3. Message: The message may be sent orally, in writing, symbolically, or nonverbally through body language, silence, sighs, sounds, or any other means that prompts a receiver to react.
4. Communication Channel: The sender decides the channel he wishes to use to communicate with the recipient. To ensure that the recipient understands the message effectively, it must be properly chosen. The recipient and sender's interpersonal interactions, as well as the urgency of the message being communicated, influence the media that is chosen.
5. Receiver: The recipient of a message is the person for whom it is intended or directed. In order to achieve the goal of communication, he makes every effort to understand it. The receiver's ability to decipher the message depends on his familiarity with the subject, experience, level of trust, and relationship with the sender.
6. Decoding: In this step, the receiver attempts to grasp the sender's message as clearly as possible. Only when the recipient fully comprehends the message as intended by the sender can communication be considered successful.
7. Feedback: The process's final phase, feedback verifies that the message was properly received and understood by the recipient, as intended by the sender.
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