
Part B - Points depend on a correct response in Part A.

Which evidence best supports the answer in Part A?

A. “It will not occur to me until I am an adult to wonder if Paul convinced all the kids he could train wild raccoons to compete in swim meets, or if he just made up a kinder explanation for me.”

B. “'So, to test their swimming, we drive the raccoons out into the middle of the lake and put them in the water. If they’re good swimmers, we start training them for the Olympics—....'"

C. "Paul doesn’t really say what the raccoons look like when they swim. But my swimming raccoons wear goggles and have special swim caps fitted over their ringed tails to decrease drag."

D. “'You ever heard of the Raccoon Olympics?' Paul asks me. I shake my head. He winks. 'No? Well, some raccoons are very good swimmers. But we want to find the best for our Olympic team....'"