Creating Your Presentation
You will have several lesson periods in which to research and create your presentation. Use the Project Schedule
at the bottom of this document to help you stay on track and complete your project on time.
1. Choose a topic that interests you from the list below.
Narrow it down to a subtopic, and write a focus question about the subtopic.
Research the topic and organize the information.
HST103B/104B: World History | Unit 7 | Lesson 1: Wrapping Up, Part 1
Create a brief PowerPoint presentation that addresses the focus question. Remember, a PowerPoint
presentation gives an overview of a topic. It does not use lengthy sentence or paragraphs. It is not an
essay. However, your presentation will include some elements of a research paper including a thesis
statement and clear supports using specific information.
Although you will have slides that contain bulleted items, try to avoid creating a presentation that
consists solely of a series of slides with bulleted text. Make use of PowerPoint's capabilities for
presenting text, animation, video, and audio.
Include in your presentation your position on why you think this issue is important enough to be a
current topic.
Include a bibliography (works cited page) as the last section of the presentation.
You will submit your final presentation in the lesson Wrapping Up, Part 4. Your teacher may request that you
make revisions to your project and resubmit it in the Finalizing the Project lesson.
Choosing a Topic
One of the most difficult tasks in doing research is choosing a topic. Here are some tips that may help you in