Answer :
Analysis How does the firm make money?
( It forms part of Strategy analysis which looks at the competitive advantage and business models)
How to illustrate the information?
Analysis- What is the firm's process for creating strategy and how does strategy come about?
( It forms part of strategic leadership and strategy process)
Analysis How should the firm leverage its internal resources, capabilities, and core competencies for competitive advantage?
( This form part of the strategic analysis, as it carries out internal analysis by evaluating internal resources, capabilities, and core competencies)
Formulation: How should the firm compete in the cost leadership, differentiation or value innovation?
( This form parts of Strategy formulation as it helps in the analysis of the business strategy and deciding which strategy to pursue )
Formulation- Should the firm compete in the industry, markets or geography?
(This form parts of formulation as it helps in the analysis of the corporate strategy)
Formulation -Should the firm compete locally ,regionally, nationally or internationally ?
( This forms part of firm’s International strategy for geographical operations )
Implementation How does the firm anchor strategic decisions in business ethics?
(this forms part of the implementation strategy in which it indicates how the strategy is put into action by ensuring a business ethics code in the overall structure )
Implementation-What type of corporate governance is effective?
( Along with business ethics, corporate governance it forms part of the Strategic implementation)
Implementation: How should the firm organize to turn the formulated strategy into action?
( This forms part of Strategic implementation, as it captures the organizational design).
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