
wins the competition and ring, chooses the name
vows to become the
that might have been. (pg. 427-428)
11. Rowan tells Citra that it is his "honor to be
(pg. 430)
What are at least 2 character traits or emotions that this statement demonstrates about Rowan
12. Citra responds by hitting him with her.
my neck." (pg. 430)
13. When Citra hits Rowan, he is immediately granted.
blood/DNA was transferred to her ring. (pg. 430)
14. Xenocrates calls Citra,
to accidentally give Rowan,
15. Citra aids Rowan's
telling him that there was a
16. Rowan tells Citra, "
(pg. 431)
20. She describes someone who is using.
scythes. He is being called Scythe
implication that this person is
by showing him a tray of
waiting for him. (pg. 431)
17. Rowan was a wonder to watch and seemed to be some deadly
When he was gone, he left.
and she responds with, "
and saying, "This...is for breaking
19. In her journal, H.S. Anastasia questions if humans ever had a worse
themselves. If the
enemy. (pg. 433)
in his wake. (pg. 432)
18. Rowan's response to Faraday waiting for him in the car was surprise. He asked him,,
? (pg. 433)
because she planned
because his
of the Scythedom fails, they become their own worst
"(pg. 432)
to end the existence of
Anastasia ends her journal with the
(pg. 433)
ut her suspicic
petition. Ci
st the battle
urnal. WH
d hi