
1. A semicolon is used to

A connect an independent and a dependent clause

B connect two dependent clauses

C connect two independent clauses

D connect two independent and two dependent clauses

2. A simple sentence contains one independent clause.



3. A complex sentence contains two independent and one or more dependent (subordinate) clauses.​



4. A compound-complex sentence combines two or more independent clauses and at least two dependent (subordinate) clause.



5. You must use a comma and conjunction to create a compound sentence.



6. Dependent clauses are only used in complex and compound-complex sentences.



7. The altitude of the plane was too high to attempt to land.

A Complex

B Compound

C Compound-Complex

D Simple

8. When the storm was over, everyone was overjoyed.
A Complex

B Compound

C Compound-Complex

D Simple

9. The dialogue between the characters was horrible; I will never watch that movie again.

A Complex

B Compound

C Compound-Complex

D Simple

10. Even though Sheila needs to be forreal, her friends love her dearly and they deal with her crazy antics all the time.

A Simple

B Compound-Complex

C Complex

D Compound

11. I hate rainstorms, though they are soothing, I still hate them.

A Simple

B Compound-Complex

C Complex

D Compound

12. Anna Mae Bullock wanted to sing so badly when she was a youth, even though her mom did not want her to sing.

A Simple

B Compound-Complex

C Complex

D Compound

13. The melodic singing of the sirens was hypnotizing.

A Simple

B Compound-Complex

C Complex

D Compound

14. Irene loves to sing in the opera, but she has been having issues with her vocal cords.

A Simple

B Compound-Complex

C Complex

D Compound