
https://www.kerboodle.com/system/images/W1siZiIsIjIwMjAvMDEvMTUvMTYvMTgvNDAvOTcyYWNiMDAtMmEzYS00Zjk3LTkxMDQtNzIxNTM4OGM3NWQxL294b19hY3QwMl9DMjAyX3BzMDBfeHhhYW5uLnBkZiJdXQ/oxo_act02_C202_ps00_xxaann.pdfOpen this link and look at page3 task 2And answer questions below it and the rest on page 4

Answer :

1. As in the exercise we are told that the experiment is performed with 100 g of water, the unknown solutions would be A, C and D, since B corresponds to 100 g and does not indicate any change.