
01018Annual SalaryANNUAL SALARY VERSUSYEARS OF SERVICE$60,000$50,000$40,000$30,000$20,0005 10 15 20Years of ServiceIn the scatterplot above, each dot represents the annual salary and corresponding years of service for each ofthe 19 employees at Company X. How many of the employees have more than 10 years of service but anannual salary of less than $40,000 ?

Answer :

To determine how many employees have more than 10 years of service we need to look for dots that are to the right of the "10" position on the horizontal axis. There are a total of 11 employees that fit that criterion. We now need to look for which of these 11 employees earn less than 40,000 per year, for that we have to find the number of dots below the line of 40,000 and to the right of 10 years of service. There are a total of 5 dots.

There are 5 employees with more than 10 years of service which earn less than $40,000.